July 31, 2017 10:20 pm Well, we had the big meeting at the hospital today with all of the medical personnel on our team. Frankly speaking, it was a bit of a disappointment. We really didn't learn anything more than we already knew. The main points were: Josh has severe brain damage to his frontal lobes, which affects many different aspects of his brain function; including, impulsiveness, short term memory, speech, and personality. Because the injury is to his brain, there is no way to predict where Josh will be after six months or even a year. We just have to wait and see. Josh is experiencing hydrocephalus right now, which is filling his ventricles with fluid and causing his brain to swell. This likely needs to be rectified with a shunt. It's the neurosurgeon's call, but it is likely that the shunt surgery will be performed together with his cranioplasty, where he'll get his new and improved fabricated plastic skull. This skull has been ordered and we are now wai...