January 21, 2018 Hi, everyone. It's been another couple of weeks since our last post. We are happy to report that we feel like Josh is still making progress. No, it isn't like a couple of months ago when every day brought surprising improvements. But it is gratifying to see the young man continue to improve. The biggest change we've seen in the last couple of weeks is in the area of initiation. Josh is more likely now than anytime since the accident to initiate discussion. He'll now ask questions and raise issues whereas he really never did that before. He is still far from conversational (even Josh 1.0 was pretty quiet) but we feel like he is making progress. And he STILL struggles with initiating brushing his teeth. If we don't help him, he'll stand at his sink for 30 minutes trying to get his toothbrush into his mouth. Once it's in, he's fine. He still has his challenges, though. One is keeping his pants on! He is so slender (weighing in at 133 ...