June 29, 2017 5:20 pm

The medical staff changed Josh's sedation medication this morning in hopes of helping him come out of sedation without agitation, something that has not happened since the accident.  At first, nothing much changed.  Josh moved his arms and legs around somewhat but didn't get very agitated.  However, a little after lunch Josh somehow managed to pull his ventilator tube completely out of his mouth!  Everyone was quite surprised that he had the strength and coordination to do this.  After pulling the tube out, Josh was breathing on his own, but his breathing was labored enough that the medical staff decided they need to reintubate.  This required heavy sedation, so Josh is out again.  Our understanding is that they are going to pull the tube tomorrow and replace it with a tracheostomy tube (inserting the ventilator tube into the trachea just below the vocal cords and above the collarbone).  Hopefully this will remove some of the irritation that Josh is feeling when he is weaned from sedation.  Allowing him to wake up is still the top priority.


  1. I read your update every day when I return home. Thank you for the persistence of your daily updates, surely difficult to do, but assuredly it helps others to stay engaged with prayers and support to you. Love you all very much. Jarmans...


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