September 16, 2107 10:30 pm
Hi Friends.
It's Eden, guest posting again. My parents are taking a much needed break from hospital life and doing a little road trip. While they are off on a fun adventure, I get the privilege of hanging out with my little brother.
We got to the hospital around 10:00 AM and his tech for the day, Emma, was helping him eat breakfast. He was taking a long time in between bites, and Emma finally asked him if he liked his food. Josh said no and decided to pack up his hardly touched tray and put it away in the cafeteria. We thought we were headed back to the room, but Josh wanted to go to the gym. He promptly sat down on his bike and got to work. He even increased resistance at one point! After 33 minutes, I noticed he was slowing down. I asked him if he was tired. He said he was. Since it was around 11:00 AM, and he didn't eat much breakfast, I asked him if he wanted to take a nap or eat some lunch first. He wanted to go straight to bed. So we went back to his room, he played some games on his iPad and drifted off to sleep.
He woke up around 2:00 PM. He said he was hungry, and dug into his lunch. Today, he ate some pork, mash potatoes, gravy and strawberries. And of course, 2 ensure shakes and chocolate milk at every meal. Over the course of two and a half hours, he ate most of his lunch. It took awhile, but he really impressed us with how much he was willing to eat. We kept asking him if he wanted to go outside or go walk around. But he didn't want to do much. He was content just playing on the iPad and watching TV. I suspect he was still a little tired from his surgery a couple of days ago. He humored us for about 2 minutes and walked the hallway before turning around and heading back to bed.
Around 6:00 PM I brought in dinner. The cafeteria closes at 6:15 PM and I didn't want him to miss dinner for the night. To our surprise, he said he was hungry again and started eating dinner. He enjoyed the noodles and alfredo sauce. Not so much the fruits or vegetables. He drank his ensure shakes and snacked on his food until about 7:00 PM when shift changes happen. To his delight, his new tech for was Haley. They always have a blast together. He met up with her in the hallway and they were off to play basketball in the gym. Tonight's music was Green Day and Journey. Both of which he was able to sing along to, at times.
At 8:00 PM, they headed back to the room to get ready for bed, to take night time medicine and vitals. By 8:30 PM, he was in bed watching Big Hero 6 and playing on the iPad trying to sleep. Today was a pretty good, low key day. And that's exactly what weekends are for!
Since I haven't seen Josh in while, here are some things that have changed in the last month:
Hi Friends.
It's Eden, guest posting again. My parents are taking a much needed break from hospital life and doing a little road trip. While they are off on a fun adventure, I get the privilege of hanging out with my little brother.
We got to the hospital around 10:00 AM and his tech for the day, Emma, was helping him eat breakfast. He was taking a long time in between bites, and Emma finally asked him if he liked his food. Josh said no and decided to pack up his hardly touched tray and put it away in the cafeteria. We thought we were headed back to the room, but Josh wanted to go to the gym. He promptly sat down on his bike and got to work. He even increased resistance at one point! After 33 minutes, I noticed he was slowing down. I asked him if he was tired. He said he was. Since it was around 11:00 AM, and he didn't eat much breakfast, I asked him if he wanted to take a nap or eat some lunch first. He wanted to go straight to bed. So we went back to his room, he played some games on his iPad and drifted off to sleep.
He woke up around 2:00 PM. He said he was hungry, and dug into his lunch. Today, he ate some pork, mash potatoes, gravy and strawberries. And of course, 2 ensure shakes and chocolate milk at every meal. Over the course of two and a half hours, he ate most of his lunch. It took awhile, but he really impressed us with how much he was willing to eat. We kept asking him if he wanted to go outside or go walk around. But he didn't want to do much. He was content just playing on the iPad and watching TV. I suspect he was still a little tired from his surgery a couple of days ago. He humored us for about 2 minutes and walked the hallway before turning around and heading back to bed.
Around 6:00 PM I brought in dinner. The cafeteria closes at 6:15 PM and I didn't want him to miss dinner for the night. To our surprise, he said he was hungry again and started eating dinner. He enjoyed the noodles and alfredo sauce. Not so much the fruits or vegetables. He drank his ensure shakes and snacked on his food until about 7:00 PM when shift changes happen. To his delight, his new tech for was Haley. They always have a blast together. He met up with her in the hallway and they were off to play basketball in the gym. Tonight's music was Green Day and Journey. Both of which he was able to sing along to, at times.
At 8:00 PM, they headed back to the room to get ready for bed, to take night time medicine and vitals. By 8:30 PM, he was in bed watching Big Hero 6 and playing on the iPad trying to sleep. Today was a pretty good, low key day. And that's exactly what weekends are for!
Since I haven't seen Josh in while, here are some things that have changed in the last month:
- He responds to questions much faster and more accurately.
- He can feed himself now.
- He remembers family members better.
- He reacts more to what you say (smiling, responding, etc.).
- He has more of an opinion of what he wants (he asked for the blinds to come down and didn't want to sleep with his socks on).
- He helps with his nurses by holding the G-tube instead of fighting with the nurse about it.
- He understands his routines and what takes place next better.
Thank you Eden for this wonderful update!! Progression is good! Go Josh!!! Keep It up! ����������
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're there. You are a blessing to your folks, to Joshua, to me and to the world! Thanks.