September 18, 2017 9:00 pm

We had to say goodbye to Eden early this morning. We miss her already.

Josh's first class today was PT. He had a substitute who started class with a Functional Gait Assessment. The maximum score is 30; Josh scored 9. Here is the test:

Turn your head while you walk.
Josh's score: 0 - Severe impairment. Loses balance, stops, or reaches for wall.
Walk heel to toe.
Josh's score: 0 - Severe impairment. Cannot perform without assistance.
Walk with eyes closed.
Josh's score: 0 - Severe impairment. Cannot perform without assistance.
Walk backwards.
Josh's score: 0 - Severe impairment. Cannot perform without assistance.
Walk at a normal speed.
Josh's score: 1 - Moderate impairment. Walks slow with an abnormal gait pattern.
When I tell you to, walk as fast as you can then as slow as you can.
Josh's score: 1 - Moderate impairment. Makes only minor adjustments to walking speed.
Look up and down while you walk.
Josh's score: 1 - Moderate impairment. Has moderate change in gait velocity, slows down, deviates but recovers.
Walk, turn, and stop.
Josh's score: 2 - Mild impairment. Can pivot turn in 3 second and stops with no loss of balance.
Step over obstacle.
Josh's score: 2 - Mild impairment. Is able to step over a shoe box 4 1/2" high without changing gait speed.
Walk up and down stairs.
Josh's score: 2 - Mild impairment. Alternates feet but must use rail.

A score of 3 is normal. Josh didn't score any 3s. The therapist spent the rest of the hour focusing on having Josh walk heal to toe and turn his head while he walks -- not at the same time.

Then Josh had OT. Therese is sick so he had another substitute. She did some eye strengthening exercises then played three games of Connect Four with Josh. Josh legitimately won the first two games. We're not really sure what happened the third game. She could have won fairly early on, but it's like neither one of them saw her potential win - so she didn't win and he didn't block! We don't know if she let him win that game on purpose or not, but we don't think she did. (You can see her potential red win in the picture below.)

Then Josh got his 30-minute bike ride in. The following video is a very unexciting 8-second clip.

After a yummy beef brisket lunch, Josh went to ST. He fell asleep within 7 minutes, and we spent the next 20 minutes trying to keep him awake ... at least enough to participate. It didn't work, so he returned to his room and took a very long nap.

After his nap we had some time to kill before his last class of the day, so we took Josh outside for a short walk. It was a beautiful day here in Denver today and the sun felt wonderful. Josh led us around the back of the building and then way down the street. We ended up walking a lot further than anticipated. Josh was a little sweaty by the time we got back.

Josh's last class of the day was OT, again. This class required him to eat dinner with other TBI patients in the Bistro. Josh went along with the program and sat with others, but not for very long. He picked up his tray and went to his room. Josh 1.0 didn't like crowds; Josh 2.0 likes them even less.

The Newfies came to visit Josh tonight. Here Josh is with Murphy and Nelson.

Mary asked Josh if he would say our nightly prayer tonight. We were both stunned when he said yes. Paul asked if he needed help and he said no. He folded his arms and, after a short pause, started, "There once was a ...." Mary prompted, "Dear Heavenly Father." Josh repeated, "Dear Heavenly Father," then we waited to see what he would say on his own. "There once was a ...." So we helped him finish the prayer. How frustrating it is for him to know what he wants to say and be unable to say it.


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