September 26, 2017 9:45 pm

Another day at Craig. Josh had a few of his normal classes but lost some time today due to medical issues. Here's a video and a photo of Josh cooking cookies during OT. They were YUMMY.

On the medical side, Dr. Rubin came by to give us the results from the MRI yesterday. The fluid in the front of Josh's brain has drained substantially but his ventricles are still the same size. So Dr. Rubin dialed down the frontal lobe shunt to one (its lowest setting and where it should remain for the foreseeable future) and the ventricle shunt to five (the lowest its been in weeks). We are expecting this to decrease the size of the ventricles over time. We're anxious to see how it impacts Josh's memory and learning abilities.

Josh was also fitted with a set of wires on his head to measure brain activity, specifically seizure activity. Josh has to wear these wires for the next 48 hours.

Finally, our nurse removed most of Josh's staples from his second shunt surgery nearly two weeks ago. This was a little painful for Josh and there's still a few staples that couldn't be removed because they are covered by the wires. He will be very happy when he is finally done with surgeries (which we are hoping is now).

It is looking more and more likely that our discharge date from Craig will be Friday, October 6. Mary and Josh will fly home that day and Paul will start his drive. It is hard to find words to describe how anxious we are to get home! We hope this date will stick.


  1. Home is a wonderful place to be. I will be glad when you are all home.

  2. YAY!!! October 6th sounds like a great day for the Taylors to head home -- an exciting new chapter :)


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