October 1, 2017 9:10 (big fat hen) pm
Hardly a darn thing happened today worth sharing, so this is going to be short.
After the usual breakfast ordeal, we started general conference on Mary's computer. Josh turned on the TV at the same time, so I guess that showed his preference! We asked him to turn the sound off on the TV until after conference, which he did, the compliant and cooperative young man that he is now. He fell asleep about midway through conference.
After conference, we got some lunch and then took Josh out to purchase some new reading glasses. The ones he's been using the last few weeks belong to Craig, so we really needed to get some of his own. We found some he said worked the best (hard to know for sure) at Target and got back to his room in time for the second session of conference. We worked on puzzles with Josh during conference. Josh 1.0 was GREAT at putting puzzles together, but didn't really enjoy it much. Josh 2.0 can't accurately separate the straight edges from the rest of the pieces, but loves to figure them out. His focus is amazing.
After dinner, Josh spent time doing math problems on an online home school course Mary joined. She started him at "kindergarten math." Again, it's amazing to see how focused he can be. He kept moving from one set of problems to the next. Josh did super well on some of it, but the more conceptual the problem, the more difficult it was for him. He scored between 71% and 100%, depending on the set of problems he was given.
Josh was in bed by about 8:30. Like I said, boring day!
Hardly a darn thing happened today worth sharing, so this is going to be short.
After the usual breakfast ordeal, we started general conference on Mary's computer. Josh turned on the TV at the same time, so I guess that showed his preference! We asked him to turn the sound off on the TV until after conference, which he did, the compliant and cooperative young man that he is now. He fell asleep about midway through conference.
After conference, we got some lunch and then took Josh out to purchase some new reading glasses. The ones he's been using the last few weeks belong to Craig, so we really needed to get some of his own. We found some he said worked the best (hard to know for sure) at Target and got back to his room in time for the second session of conference. We worked on puzzles with Josh during conference. Josh 1.0 was GREAT at putting puzzles together, but didn't really enjoy it much. Josh 2.0 can't accurately separate the straight edges from the rest of the pieces, but loves to figure them out. His focus is amazing.
After dinner, Josh spent time doing math problems on an online home school course Mary joined. She started him at "kindergarten math." Again, it's amazing to see how focused he can be. He kept moving from one set of problems to the next. Josh did super well on some of it, but the more conceptual the problem, the more difficult it was for him. He scored between 71% and 100%, depending on the set of problems he was given.
Josh was in bed by about 8:30. Like I said, boring day!
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